Friday, July 8, 2011

Jam' al-Fawaid wa Jawahir al-Qala`id

Cover of the Book

Foreword from the Author

The last page of the writing with date of completion

Introduction : 
This book was written by al-Syaikh Dawud bin al-Syaikh 'Abdullah al-Fatani (died circa 1847). The title of the book is "Jam' al-Fawaid wa Jawahir al-Qala`id" which he translated in Malay as "The Collection of Benefits and the Beautiful Jewels". The book was printed with 332 pages including the table of content. In the preface, the author mentioned that he wrote about wisdom and advice which were taken from the Sufi, hadith and the words of companion and Ahl al-Wilayat so that the readers will learn and apply it in their life.

The book contains about 39 chapters and it started with a chapter entitled "The Virtues of Asking Protection From Allah". He gave many hadith, Quranic verses and quotation from Muslim scholars on advantages of reciting "Ta'awwudz". He ended the chapter with a prayer before he started with next chapter. Among the chapters in this book are virtues of reciting Basmalah, love, patient, month of Sya'ban, Ramadhan, prayer, purification and so on. Overall, the content was about the virtues of doing good action in Islam. This book was finished in Mecca on Friday 27th Jamadi al-Ula 1239 Hijrah (circa 29th January 1824).

1 comment:

Ayah Pa said...

Salam, boleh share pdf kitab..